Why I take so many dang photos...
Everyone has a story. Much of my story revolves around this little family mine. My husband & our two daughters, our home in Atlanta, our three cats and two slightly rotten dogs. This little place that is rough around the edges, but stuffed full of love. I take pictures in an attempt to hold onto the beautifully fleeting moments of our story... and if given the chance, yours too.
And a few more random facts...
I have old lady tendencies.
I love soup. And blankets.
Give me soup with a blanket and you'll find me a happy gal.
I have a weakness for anything pickle flavored.
I'm not the most graceful of people.
I cry at every single wedding I shoot with Matt.
There will always be lemons, or lemon juice in my home.
Probably chocolate chip cookies too.
Otis Redding. Forever.