the 52 project // 27

atlanta family photography "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

penny: this week you did a lot of swimming, and then a lot of post swim crashing. both are equally a.o.k in my book. if only i could bottle up these days of you smelling like a mix of sunscreen & chlorine, having watermelon drips on your shirt, and getting sidewalk chalk on everything you own. these are the good days. no doubt about it!

linking up with jodi.

the 52 project // 26

atlanta ga family photographer "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

penny: when trying to find a picture that best sums up week 26 this was definitely the winner. your dad and i were away from you for 3 days and 2 nights, and though i would like to believe that you missed us in our absence, truth is you had the time of your life. you spent the days playing with your two older cousins, and seemed to have picked up a few big kid traits while you were at it. i'm certain you grew a year in just 3 short days. and now here we are at the half way point of this 52 project. 26 down, 26 to go!

linking up with jodi.

the 52 project // 25

atlanta ga family photographer "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

penny: suddenly this whole growing up thing is happening very quickly. within just the past month you started school (or camp. you call it both), are officially potty trained (except naps & nights), and have moved on into a big kid bed. your language skills are also developing at about the same rate and you now correctly use phrases like "as well" and "no biggie", which crack me up to no end. i thought it might be hard to watch you leave behind so many of the baby traits you were still holding on to, but each new step is more exciting then the last. i absolutely love watching you grow up, and seeing this little person you're becoming is pretty much the greatest thing in the world... but you still want to be snuggled and tucked in "snug as a bug" at bedtime, and i'm ok with that!

linking up with jodi.