the 52 project // week 12

penny: having a backyard again is making us all giddy this spring. it's big, and currently a bit overgrown, but it's ours to explore! it has the softest most beautiful morning light, and the evening sunsets are epic. we've found ladybugs, snails, and grubs, and i taught you that you can pick and eat the spring onions right out of the ground. basically we're just pleased as punch out here. 


linking up with jodi


the 52 project // week 11

penny: all of the difficulties with the previous week seemed to melt away once we moved into your new home. we slowly started unpacking all of your favorite things, and with each unearthed treasure i think you felt a little more secure in your surroundings. it must be so hard for such a little being to grasp the idea of moving. everything you knew was flipped upside down. however with each passing day we get a little more settled here, and the other afternoon i even caught you singing out back about how much you love your new house. 


linking up with jodi


the 52 project // week 10

penny: this image is not from this week. in fact, for the first time since starting this project 3 years ago, i didn't pick up my camera once to capture the week. it was a hard one for all of us. you had a really tough time adjusting to the move. we stayed with our friends, and your best friend, for the week between us moving out of the apartment and into our new house. i hadn't anticipated just how much this would effect you. you were sad, having epic tantrums, and just all around not yourself. we tried so very hard to help you get through this, but sometimes you just needed to cry and scream and get all those feelings out. it broke my heart to see you hurting like that. then to top it all off you came down with the flu. it was not one of our better weeks. 


linking up with jodi


the 52 project // week 9

penny: from our very last morning in the apartment. half of your life thus far was spent in this space. when we moved here from charlotte it was for convenience sake that we chose this spot, but it became a home to us and many a memory filled these walls. you take after your mama in that you get attached easily to places. i tend to fall in love with the feelings a place holds, and so we both had ourselves a good little cry after leaving here. new memories shall be made, but we needed our moment to pay respects to the ones made here.


linking up with jodi.


the 52 project // week 8

penny: at your request, we're currently reading the wizard of oz for the second time. on this particular morning, halfway through getting ready for our day, you climbed to the top seat of the kitty scratcher and declared yourself the great and powerful oz. you then proceeded to tell me all the things i would need to do (which was a total of pushing 3 buttons) before you would help me get back to kansas. you then changed your mind and said i lived in new york and you were going to come with me because your cousins are there and you'd like to surprise them.