a few pics from the weekend build...
as i mentioned last week, we're putting up a cute little shed outside so that i can move a lot of my work supplies out of the house and make more room for the little bean on the way. it'll be part storage, part work space, part fort hideaway and i can't wait to start moving stuff in! it's still not quite done yet, obviously, but it's in it's home stretch stages!
i didn't get to paint the little nuggets room last weekend like i had originally hoped to because i soon came to the conclusion that there were even more pressing things that needed to happen first. things such as clearing out, and cleaning up, my current studio space so that we can start making that into the new guest room. our current guest room is what will soon be the babies room. so first thing first, move the guest room stuff out before painting. i know eventually i'll get to start working on the beans room, i'm just so darn impatient!