the 52 project // week 27

penny + clementine- weekend mornings when daddy is home to do cool things like let you work on his truck with him are the best kind of mornings there are. penny, you were so proud of yourself for helping get the tools, and clem, you were just happy to sit outside, watch, and eat some grass. simple pleasures!


the 52 project // week 26

penny + clementine- on this day, at the half way point through this 52 project, i realized i hadn't picked up my camera all week. so when i noticed the two of you actually contained and content on gaga's couch i grabbed the camera and snapped away. a pretty typical mundane moment, but magic none the less. my girls. 

the 52 project // week 24

penny + clementine: penn, you finished off your last day of ballet camp with a little performance for the parents of what you all had been working on all week. Clem, you were stoked to watch the show, but much less stoked to not be able to enjoy the celebratory ice cream that followed.