the past week (or so) according to my iphone...

consider it a highlight reel if you will :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

sorbet with fruit and carob chips... nom nom nom!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

reading natural birthing books like it's my job!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
puppy cuteness never gets old!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

see, i told ya... never gets old!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
vegan strawberry pancakes. delicious!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
this beautiful beast was the size of my hand!!!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

serious slip-n-slide party with friends!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

snuggling other peoples pups.

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

bath time for mirabelle :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

rainy night = friendly mushrooms in the morning!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

mirabelle got spayed on tuesday and barkley was just lost without her. what a good big bro!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
previously mentioned spayed puppy has been taking lots of snuggly naps :(

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

we started painting the nursery yesterday! this is the before picture. you'll have to wait for the after as it's taking 3 coats to cover up this dark color. patience my friends :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

and what better way to finish it off then a picture of the best bud, riding a triceratops wearing a grass skirt and hula gear. i'm mean come on, does it get any better?

thank goodness for iphones, otherwise i wouldn't have pictures of anything these days!

guess what friends...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

and we are beyond excited about this little lady of ours!
everything looked fantastic at our ultrasound this morning, and after much waiting for this bashful gal to show us the goods, she finally did! we are seriously over the moon today!
today is also my 18 week mark which means the bean is now a sweet potato! grow baby grow!
jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
and this week according to the bump...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

so here's to sugar and spice and everything nice... and throw in the frogs, and snails, and puppy dog tails too, cause our little gal can have it all!

my new pregnancy pillow!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

woooohooo... i gots me a pregnancy pillow!
my best bud, who is currently staying with us, gifted me this bit of amazingness today. i've been having some serious hip pains while sleeping the past week or so, and she felt my desperate need for a good nights rest! this bad boy promised to make if feel as if i were sleeping on a cloud, so we shall see tonight just how true that statement is. as you can see in the picture, the kitties are already in love with it...
oh and guess what... tomorrow we find out if bean is a boy or a girl!!! i can't flippin' wait to know if it's a little lass or laddie i've got in there. you can take your guess as to just what it may be over on the side bar there---> and then be sure to come on back tomorrow and find out if you were correct! EEEEEEP... even with this new pillow i'm not so sure i'll be able to sleep tonight!

life... according to my iphone

these have been some very exciting, very busy, days this week. my bff since 10th grade is in town staying with us for a bit while she works out some visa issues before moving overseas. she and i hardly get to see each other anymore, so i'm soaking it all in before she is living way out of my reach.
here's a bit of what we've been up to this past week...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

i gots me a new ride! very safe and bean friendly :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

we made some amazing vegan banana pancakes using this mix here, which those of you living in charlotte can get HERE... so flippin' good!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

i painted the inside of my shed all white!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
working on new dreamcatchers!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

snuggly critter #1

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

snuggly critter #2

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

evan and i taught shereen (previously mentioned bff) to ride a fixed gear bike. don't worry, she did change into sneakers shortly after this pic.
so that's a little taste of what life around here has looked like. we've got a few other friends coming into town the next few days too, so things are about to get even busier. timing just all happened to line up and all of our closest friends will be here at the same time. amazing!
hope all of you lovely friends are enjoying some quality summer time too. can you believe it's already half over?!?! that makes me sadder then i can even tell you. i live for summer and just want to hold onto it forever!