penny: this week we found out that you have a love of lemons that rivals even your mama's! i gave you one thinking that you would probably just make a funny sour face (kinda mean, i know), i would have a good chuckle, you'd drop it, and that would be it. instead you walked around with that dang lemon half for a good 15 minutes sucking and chomping away at it. in all fairness, you did still give me a good chuckle!
in this week full of sad, scary, and depressing news, i'm so so very glad that i have you to show me what is absolutely perfect and beautiful in this world! i love you, my little girl...
*linking up with jodi*
this morning...
i hope i never forget the little things, like spring mornings in the backyard with my girl.
penny: this week we fully embraced the warmer weather with lots of playtime in the backyard, and ample splash parties in the big metal tub. you're really loving the arrival of spring, and you have no problems getting down and dirty in a serious mud puddle. this week also brought you your first skinned knee, and introduced you to the fun that is bandaids! as a rough and tumble kinda baby, i see lots of these in your future.
side note: i'm not a religious person, but i'm fairly sure a higher power created naked chunky baby legs. so excited for those leggies to be out all summer!
and from last week, THIS is my favorite. babies and the beach, there's nothing better! it has me longing for this summer when we can take penn, and makes me kinda sad that we don't live a bit closer to it for her sake.
penny: after a much needed trip to trader joe's, i decided to take you across the street to go check out the 'big silver ball'. i've been wanting to stop in that little park for quite some time now and check it out, and since the morning was warmer then expected, it was the perfect time to do so. you loved it! you smiled at your reflection, slapped it with both hands, and then to fully gross out your mama, you up and licked it. it was a good time all around!
and now for my favorite post from another bloggers 52 project... it this one HERE, simply for the fact that it's an absolutely gorgeous photo, and the way sweet liberty is described here, even i want to meet her!