a family session // atlanta ga

When I pulled up to the house for this family shoot I'll admit my heart did skip a beat. This sweet family literally live right around the corner from our old apartment in a house that I had drooled over many a time in passing. From that moment on everything about this session just flowed naturally. For being such new first time parents Melissa + Federico were so calm and comfortable in front of my camera. The way they just adore not only Lucia, but also each other, is quite obvious in the images below. And when Lucia's daddy, who was born in Argentina, sung her to sleep in Spanish with her favorite lullaby I was done for! If only folks knew just how often I cry while hiding behind my camera.  Such a beautiful family, and I was honored to document them...


the adorable Mr. Huxley...

Megan + Jaime are part of a group of friends that all happened to move down to atlanta around the same time as we did. It was pretty exciting to find ourselves in a new city surrounded by so many fabulous familiar faces. And when said fabulous faces asked me to come photograph their beautiful squishy new babe I may have squealed a bit. It's no secret... I love the babies! So friends, keep on having them so I can keep on loving on them!

welcoming billie // a home birth story

i still haven't quite found the words to describe just how amazing this entire experience was. from taking a stroll around the neighborhood while sarah tried to get her labor in full gear, to getting the text at 1:43am that it was go time, to walking into their house 10 minutes later and hearing a little squeaky cry coming from the back room. once she was ready, Billie came into this world quick. she was received with so much gentle love... in her very own home.

not a day has gone by since that i don't think about this incredible event i was invited to witness. this was my first time shooting a birth, and while i may not have been there for the exact minute when billie entered the world, it had no less of an impact on me. thank you to sarah & lea for trusting me to document these extremely personal moments...
