memorial day weekend

what an incredible weekend this past one was! on friday my parents and i drove up to NY for my nephews first birthday party. i was so bummed that evan had to work and couldn't come along, but no way was i missing out on some much needed time with the fam (sorry babe!). so at 3:45am on friday (yup, my dad's nuts and is all about beating that traffic) we hopped in the car and off we went.
here are a few peaks of my days in NY...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

arriving in NYC!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

avery's first time using swimmies!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
kiddos making s'mores

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
crashing in my nephew's room

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
my 2 year old niece thought she was a big shot after her cousin straightened her hair

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
kickin' it poolside in the sweltering heat!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
nephews... the sleepy one's the birthday boy :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
driving home...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

back home with my bubbies. i missed these dang faces!
the older i get the more i definitely miss hanging out with my brother & sister, and their little families. we make a point to see each other every couple months, but sometimes i just wish they lived right around the block so i could see them everyday. these trips always go way too fast!

disney dream cruise 2011

hi friends! i feel like it's been forever since i've checked in. the week away was absolutely amazing, but it's certainly nice to be back home getting into the swing of things again. today i thought i'd share a little photo dump of some of my favorite pics from our vacation... enjoy!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

setting sail

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

evan and our nephew

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

ahhh the sunsets...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

hangin' in nassau

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

yummy glowing cocktails!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

my stinkin' adorable niece!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

kickin' it!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

did i mention the sunsets?

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

so pleasantly surprised by the vegan options!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer


jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

so how was everyone else's week? did i miss anything majorly exciting? it was so very nice being completely cut off from the world for a while. no cell phone, no computer, no news... i loved it! i may just have to make a habit of this more often!

beach weekend...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

well, the beach getaway was just as relaxing as i was hoping it would be. there were ample bottles of wine shared between friends, naps on the beach, and good books read. what more could i ask for? while i definitely miss our little beach home, i must say it was so very nice to sleep in my own bed last night. barkley was super happy to have us home too and nothing quite beats a happy puppy!
as fate would have it, the hipstamatic app for iphones came out with a brand new lens while we were away and i instantly fell in love. it gives everything a beautiful watercolor kinda feel, and it was absolutely perfect for the beach scenery. i must recommend adding the bettie lens if you haven't already. here are some views from the weekend using the newest addition to my iphone arsenal...
jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

and here is a little peak at some of the less relaxing moment from the trip. when a bunch of ridiculous friends get together, there are bound to be some shenanigans and tomfoolery. these are just the moments i was able to catch...

family fun...

hola folks! it's so good to be back home after a fabulous little family getaway. i miss my fam like crazy at all times, and these little visits seem to hit the spot every time! hope everyone had a wonderful weekend... here are a few shots from my fun filled one :)
jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
swings... one of my favorite things in life!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
swingin' with the niece...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
baby swings for my youngest niece...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
odd animal excrement exhibit at the museum...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

little niece splashing around...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer
evan and i so sad to be going home...
aren't vacations just the best thing ever!

good to be home...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

my goodness has july been a crazy month for me! i've already had 3 out of town trips, and have another coming up this weekend. i feel like i shouldn't even bother unpacking at this point! last week i left for my home town in NY for my nephews christening, my nieces birthday, and just some general quality family time. though i miss them all terribly already, i must admit i do enjoy getting back home to my hubby, my puppy, and my bed! here are a few fave moments from the trip...

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

you can also check out *this little video* i made of my trip while sitting on the plane during a two hour delay!