the 52 project // the catch up!

"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015."

week 20

penny: evening walks with barkley are a family favorite 'round these parts.

week 21

penny: it was your last day of school and i simply asked you to sit on the step so i could take a picture before we hopped in the car. this is what you gave me. nutball!

week 22

penny: after a long morning of walking around the park, skinning your knee, playing in a fountain, and eating all the snacks, you promptly came home, put on your tutu, and passed out!

week 23

penny: we've had some incredible thunderstorms lately. sometimes we just open up the back door and watch them roll in. and sometimes i just watch you watching it all.

week 24

penny: we spent a good long weekend with our buds at their incredible farm house. you haven't see your little boyfriend, Boone, since around christmas time. you're still just as smitten with him as ever!

now let's hear it for being all caught up!!!