the 52 project // the catch up!

"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015."

week 20

penny: evening walks with barkley are a family favorite 'round these parts.

week 21

penny: it was your last day of school and i simply asked you to sit on the step so i could take a picture before we hopped in the car. this is what you gave me. nutball!

week 22

penny: after a long morning of walking around the park, skinning your knee, playing in a fountain, and eating all the snacks, you promptly came home, put on your tutu, and passed out!

week 23

penny: we've had some incredible thunderstorms lately. sometimes we just open up the back door and watch them roll in. and sometimes i just watch you watching it all.

week 24

penny: we spent a good long weekend with our buds at their incredible farm house. you haven't see your little boyfriend, Boone, since around christmas time. you're still just as smitten with him as ever!

now let's hear it for being all caught up!!!

the 52 project // 18 & 19

"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015."

penny: oh squirrel, that kitty is a saint!

penny: i never knew just how much i would enjoy this dress up phase. i love watching you transform into a dancer, a veterinarian, a firefighter, and on this particular day, a magic butterfly.

linking up with jodi.

the 52 project...

let's catch up on a month of posts now, shall we?!?!

“A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

week 14

penny: squirrel is the most tolerant kitty in all the land, and for that reason, your most favorite four legged buddy.

week 15

penny: your cousins were in town visiting from NY for a whole week. we spent all of our days, and most of our nights, spending time with them. having older cousins around to entertain you nonstop was like a dream for you. your feet rarely touched the ground!

week 16

penny: i let you loose on a amazing puddle one morning. you ended up soaking wet and covered in mud. it was incredible!

week 17

penny: we spent a few days camping with your cousins. i'd estimate about 85% of your time there was spent catching tadpoles with your bare hands. if i could give you a lake in our backyard i'd do it in a heartbeat!

it feels so good to finally be all caught up!

the 52 project //

"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015."


penny: spring is here. SPRING IS HERE!!! that means ballerina costumes outside, no shoes, and dirty feet all day long. the good stuff in life!


atlanta ga lifestyle photographer

penny: truth be told, i have no idea what's going on here, but i let you choose which photo of you and your friends would be our pick this week and this one here was your choice. it was a spring day that felt much like summer. the kind when you should end the day smelling of sunscreen but mama forgot it so we all just ended with sun kissed cheeks. the kind of day when you get takeout burritos because ain't nobody spending time in the kitchen. and the kind of day when you go home in your best buds pj's because we hadn't planned on staying out all day, but we didn't want the fun to end.

linking up with jodi.