20 weeks...

20 weeks... booya!
penny slept in her room by herself for the very first time the other night. we've been co-sleeping since she was born, but last friday night she refused to fall asleep in our room. she'd been taking naps in her room by herself so well for a few weeks now, so i decided to see if she would go to sleep in her own room, and she zonked out in 2 minutes. since then we've been putting her to sleep in her room and she's now sleeping longer stretches and even sleeping a little bit later too! i'm so so happy about this because i was one seriously sleep deprived mama. she had been waking about 3 or 4 times a night before that, and would then also get up pretty early. i was dragging myself through the day, and couldn't even catch up with a nap because she was only taking 30-40 minute naps. well we're still not winning as far as naps go (though yesterday there was one fluke 2 and a half hour nap in there), but i think we're all much happier with how our nights are going. i even get to snuggle evan for the first time in months. before penny was sleeping between us, there was a pregnancy pillow there! yes, we're very happy to have our bed back. it's just as important for mama & papa snuggles, as it is for baby snuggles!
this friday penny and i will be flying to NY, with my mom & dad, to visit the rest of the fam for memorial day weekend. i'm really excited to fly with penny, but also a bit nervous about flying with an infant. if anyone has any tips or helpful suggestions feel free to send them my way. the great thing about breastfeeding is that if she starts to get a little hairy, at least i can put her on the boob! fingers crossed for an uneventful flight!

could haves & should haves...

these days are for...
napping with penny, when i should be throwing in laundry
snacking on oreos, when i could just eat that dang banana 
walking her to sleep in the ergo carrier, when i could be teaching her to fall asleep on her own
staying in my pj's until noon, when i should absolutely just get dressed already
staying up too late, when i should be in bed getting some much needed sleep
taking a million pictures of penny playing, when i could be doing the dishes
kissing that naked baby belly nonstop, when i should be... well really there is nothing i should be doing more then that!

18 weeks...

this last picture here just cracks me up... looks like a little baby moustache!

we've got an 18 week old baby here! these might just be my favorite weekly photos to date. she just looks like a little dutch girl, and it melts my insides! 
penny had her 4 month check up last week, and all is looking good. she weighs a whopping 14 lbs 3 oz, and is 24" long. she's right at the 50th percentile mark for her age. she's definitely starting to show a preference for mama & papa's faces over any others. she had her first "oh hi stranger, you're gonna try to make me laugh, but i'm just gonna cry in your face" moment the other day. it was so sad, it was a slow motion change of mood. first her smile faded, then her little bottom lip came out, then it turned to full on crying. woops, sorry lady who thought she was being sweet to my baby... baby ain't havin' it!     
our little family of 3 (7 if you count the dogs and kitties. which yes, i do!) had the most lovely mother's day weekend. we planted our garden. it was so much fun planting things that we know in a few weeks penny can gobble up. we planted carrots, peas, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and cucumber. i hope our garden this year is much more successful then last years. last summer the birds and squirrels got the best of our produce, but this year we've got a new plan of attack for them. ya hear that critters? keep your paws off our goods! evan and penny also spoiled me with some extra sleep time, homemade waffles, some beautiful succulents, and so much love and snuggles! this mama was a happy camper indeed! 
i hope all the other moms, grandmothers, godmothers, stepmothers, and mama's of four legged friends, out there had just as fabulous a weekend too. mother's day... yup, i'm into it!

the past few days...

here are my thoughts on sleep training... EFF IT! we went for a solid 5 days and i've never been more exhausted, or an emotional mess, in my entire life. i mean seriously, for days i could cry at the drop of a hat... and did! i think the method we were using just wasn't suited to penny's needs, and she fought it with every nap, and every night. her naps didn't get any longer, and she was more cranky when she would wake up. so for now we'll just continue on as we had before. she'll take a few 40 minute naps throughout the day, and she'll remain her happy go lucky snuggly self. the one good thing though that came out of it, is that we now get her down for the night earlier, and therefore have some time to ourselves at a respectable hour of the day. as any mama & papa can tell you, this is vital for your sanity! i do plan on trying something again soonish, but penny and i are heading to NY for memorial day to see some family, so it will have to wait until after that. no use getting her on a schedule, only to have it thrown out the window once we get there! so that's that for now, and i'm ok with it. for awhile there i was feeling like a failure, but then i stopped and reminded myself that she's completely healthy, and happy as a clam, so why freak out trying to change that! things will fall in line eventually...

anywho, here are a few peeks at what life has looked like since i've been gone...
 puppy snuggles were had
we voted on a very important issue
penny napped in her ergo carrier...
and held onto mamas shirt the whole time <3
we took lots of walks...
and she fell asleep often.
a friend came to visit in his sweet ride!
i baked!
penny stayed cute...
and then got even cuter!
and that, my friends, is all i have to say about that!