
jenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographer "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2013."

penny: so, they say you eat a pound of dirt before you die. this past holiday weekend, while enjoying your vegan cheese puffs at the beach, i'm fairly certain that you filled your ingested sand/dirt quota with no problem!

linking up with jodi.

adventures in film

i just got the scans back from my first time shooting film. i shot on a camera a good deal older then i am, and still have to figure out some of its quirks, but i kinda love it. the unpredictable nature of it all, the fact that it makes me slow down and really think about the shot, the waiting for results... yup, i definitely dig it! jenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographerjenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographerjenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographerjenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographerjenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographerjenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographer

babysitters club

jenn pierce, charlotte nc newborn photographer

for the past two days penny and i have had the pleasure of spending our days watching this sweet little man. i swear, if someone could guarantee me that our next baby would be as easy going as mister boone here, i'd be signing up for another one straight away. we do so love us some wiley boone! jenn pierce, charlotte nc newborn photographer


jenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographer "A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2013."

penny: we spent this past week in williamsburg, va with family. you were over the moon to have your cousins, aunt, uncle, gaga, and pop pop there to wake up to every morning. you seemed to grow up so much in just those short 6 days of our trip. i watched you go off with your cousins on big kid rides, and though there was still a bit of fear in your eyes, once you spotted your mama waving to you the fear was replaced with overwhelming joy and you were happy as a clam. my big little girl. i love you to the moon and back again!

linking up with jodi.


jenn pierce, charlotte nc family photographer “a portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

penny: you hang pot holders on the handles, and push it around by it's front wheels. as far as strollers go, you still have a bit to learn.

linking up with jodi.