fall sessions

october was down right bananas! generally early october is the time when i'd make the ol' fall sessions announcement, but see previous statement and you'll understand why this is coming just days before halloween.

with that said though, i've got some time in november if you're interested in getting those family photos you've been putting off. i'll have a few openings for full sessions, and i'll even be opening up some mini session time too. i only offer the latter twice a year, and they're the perfect option if you're just looking to get some pics for holiday cards. as luck would have it, i'll also be traveling to North Carolina and New York during the month, and can definitely work in some out of town families too.

so if you'd like to meet up just raise your hand... and by raise your hand, i mean hit that ol' contact button at the top there!

welcoming billie // a home birth story

i still haven't quite found the words to describe just how amazing this entire experience was. from taking a stroll around the neighborhood while sarah tried to get her labor in full gear, to getting the text at 1:43am that it was go time, to walking into their house 10 minutes later and hearing a little squeaky cry coming from the back room. once she was ready, Billie came into this world quick. she was received with so much gentle love... in her very own home.

not a day has gone by since that i don't think about this incredible event i was invited to witness. this was my first time shooting a birth, and while i may not have been there for the exact minute when billie entered the world, it had no less of an impact on me. thank you to sarah & lea for trusting me to document these extremely personal moments...


Sylvie + Violet // atlanta ga

It's not very often that i get asked to just come over, play with the kids, and see what sort of images come of it. i must admit though, that i'm pretty sure this is when the most magic happens. this is my second year getting to hang  out with Sylvie + Violet (check out how little Sylvie was last year!), and i can honestly say that watching families grow, and getting to be a part of making their moments into tangible memories is the greatest part of being a family photographer. and i mean come on, look at that adorable little thumb suck. heart. melt!

a family session // atlanta ga

i fall a little bit in love with every family i photograph. it sounds pretty corny, for sure, but looking back at these images i'm reminded of just how easily i was welcomed into this home. the smell of biscuits cooking, the avett brothers playing in the background, it was all just so comfortable right from the start. to make it all a little more ooey gooey and heartwarming, emily had asked me to come and photograph her family before she gave birth to her next baby because i had taken pictures of her nephew, asher, last summer. asher and his family now live a few minutes away and they would be stopping over later that afternoon for a little hello! being welcomed into these incredible families is one thing, but getting to watch these kids grow up is really what makes me a weepy mess at the drop of a hat. also, grandparents in town for a visit?!?! i was doomed to fall hard from the get go. what can i say, i wear this here heart forever on my sleeve!  

atlanta ga family photographer
atlanta ga family photographer