just bitten...

a while back you may recall that i had a brief love affair with red lips, and was determined to pull the look off myself. i finally found the perfect shade, wore it a couple times, and that was the end of it. i found that such a bold lipstick felt like more of a hassle to me then a fun accessory. so i gave up my dream of being the gal who could rock a red lip every day with even just some jeans and a t-shirt. that is, until yesterday!

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer

it's not often that i fall victim to a commercial trying to sell me some new and improved beauty item, but for some reason i fell head first for this one. it's the new "just bitten" line of lip stains from revlon. what got me was that on one end of the stick is the stain, but on the other is a lip balm. not a gloss, a balm! i'm one of those folks that's absolutely hooked on chapstick and lip balm, so that was the kicker for me. i'm so glad that i got suckered in too, because it's fan-flippin'-tastic! i put it on as soon as i got in the car, and it literally stayed for hours. you can even keep reapplying the balm and the color still stays. ahhh, my lip life has been changed forever. it's these little things that keep me happy :)

jenn pierce, charlotte nc photographer