linking up with jodi.
linking up with jodi.
motherhood obviously isn't always full of gorgeous sun filled days, and perfect window lighting. sometimes all you get is an apartment bathroom with a single lightbulb. does that mean these moments are any less important to remember? not even a little bit!
when we moved into our new place getting penny's room all set up was our first priority. i thought i'd take you on a little tour of how it's looking so far. we decided to keep it pretty similar to her room in our old house so that she would have a feeling of familiarity here. we've updated some things to make it a space that is inviting to her, and while still keeping in mind the montessori philosophies that we think are important. it's still a work in progress, but this is where we're at now...
some things about her space...
if you missed her first room tour you can see it HERE. she was so little!!!
tonight as we were tucking her into bed she said to me, out of the blue, "best friend in whooooole world" as she gave me a slobbery kiss and hugged my face. i could have died...
sure she may drive me crazy some nights with how she can procrastinate going to bed, but man, tonight it was all worth it!