a family shoot // atlanta ga


any family that's down to jump in the pool at the end of a shoot is pretty darn amazing in my book!

this one's for the mamas...


because they'll never be this little again.

because you deserve to see how they look at you.

because one day they'll want these images of you,

and believe it or not, one day so will you.


the details...

motherhood mini sessions take place somewhere you're comfortable, or somewhere special to you and your kiddos. ideally your home, but could also be another agreed upon location. $200 includes approximately 30 mins of shooting time, and you'll receive a minimum of 20 edited images in an online gallery. i'll be offering these through mother's day, and sorry dads,  these minis are just for the mamas! 


*mothers day minis are for families in and around the atlanta area. if you're an out of town mama don't hesitate to drop me a line though and see if we can make something happen!


the 52 project // week 10

penny + clementine: there are few things i can promise you in this life, but one thing i know is that i'll never make you get all dressed up, bring you to a photo studio, and have you take those perfect smiling at the camera portraits. it's not who we are. and more then that, it's not what i care to remember. penny, i love the fact that i can see your dirty feet from a morning spent barefoot in the backyard. and that you're still in the nightgown gaga just bought for you because you didn't want to take it off all day. clem, i love that you have a bit of stink face from your sister literally trying to strap you to her belly in your swaddle blanket. and the one with your feet in the air when penny abandoned you so that she could go jump on the couch. i love that barkley came and sat right in front of you both as if to say "don't forget me!". it's all perfectly imperfect, and THAT is what i want to remember!


clementine at 14 weeks


at 14 weeks you're drooling like a maniac, still waking up every 3 hours or so at night to nurse, giving us lots of silly side smirks, and finding your sister to be the funniest thing ever!

you're a sweet as pie, easy going baby, and while some days are tougher then others, overall you've made this transition to a family of 4 pretty darn easy on us. and for that, miss clem, we thank you!



the 52 project // week 9

penny: truth be told, these pictures were taken during week 10. during week 9 i was spending all my free time either trying (unsuccessfully) to get clem to nap, or pumping in preparation for being away from her for 3 days. your school was cancelled for two of those days and you took all of the tending to your sister with such grace and understanding. it seems you're growing up so quickly lately, and i'm incredibly grateful for how beautifully you've taken on the role of big sister. so on this day, while at gaga's house, we went for a walk just you and i. we picked flowers, climbed rocks, played pirates, and spent a simple 30 mins with just each others undivided attention. i think we both needed that.


clementine: one of the many naps this week that only lasted about 10 mins. the beauty of you being the second baby though is that it doesn't stress mama out one bit. i know just how quickly these days go by and if you want to stay awake and hang out with me sometimes i'm totally ok with that. not all the time mind you... mama still needs a break here and there!